Fusion UI 0.1.0 Help


This document provides instructions on how to use the Command Line Interface (CLI) for your project. The CLI is a powerful tool that allows you to initialize configuration, add components, and manage dependencies for your project.


The init command is used to set up the initial configuration and dependencies for a new project. It configures the tailwind.config.cjs file and creates CSS variables for the project.

To use the init command, type the following into your terminal:

php bin/console fusion-ui:init


The add command allows you to add new components and dependencies to your project. This is useful when you want to extend the functionality of your project.

To use the add command, type the following into your terminal, replacing [component] with the name of the component you wish to add:

php bin/console fusion-ui:add [component]

Remember to replace [component] with the actual name of the component you want to add.

Last modified: 22 mai 2024